Our Vision
Our vision is that Falla Park Community Primary School is:
An exciting, interesting and fun place for all to learn and succeed
An inclusive school with a caring, safe environment where all members are valued and encouraged
A school that is creative in all aspects of its provision and enriches learning by providing exciting and inspiring opportunities for all to achieve and excel
A school that is at the heart of the community, providing extended services matched to the needs of the community
A school that has a vibrant, welcoming environment and where all achievement is celebrated
A school that has the highest expectations of all members of its community and is dedicated to maintaining and building on the highest possible standards
Our vision for our children
Children are happy, secure and safe in school. They enjoy learning, have high self-esteem and achieve their full potential. They take responsibility for their actions, know and respect their boundaries and understand their rights and responsibilities
Our children feel valued and have a voice
They are confident and have high expectations of themselves
They are guided and supported in all areas of their development. They trust the staff and have good relationships with them
They enjoy coming to school, work hard and are proud to be members of Falla Park
They are motivated and have positive attitudes towards their work
They make maximum progress and achieve well
Children are friendly, polite and helpful, they work as part of a team and are responsible citizens
Our vision for teaching and learning
Teaching and learning is relevant, exciting and creative. Teachers employ a wide variety of effective styles to suit their learner’s needs. Tasks are differentiated, challenging and actively involve the children. Learning is constantly assessed to inform future teaching
Children are independent learners and instrumental to their own learning, supported/inspired by the teaching
Teaching is inclusive and challenges all children. Teachers have high expectations of every child. Children’s needs are met through differentiated and appropriate learning experiences
Learning is constantly assessed by both teacher and learner. Challenging targets are set and each child carefully tracked to identify the next steps of their learning
Learning experiences are vivid, real, exciting and accessible
Children are taught a rich and varied curriculum tailored to meet their needs, drawing on the expertise, strengths and interests of the staff and community
Our vision for our staff
Staff are committed, valued and enthusiastic. They are effective and well trained and provide exciting and inspiring opportunities for all children to learn and achieve
They work as a team and support one another, valuing each others contribution
They are self motivated and have high standards and expectations both of themselves and the children
They are knowledgeable, up to date with educational initiatives and teaching methods and take responsibility for their own professional development
They share the vision for the school and constantly strive for the very best for all children
They have excellent classroom management skills and respect and value all children
Our vision for our parents/carers
Parents/carers are welcomed in school, kept well informed and are fully involved as partners in their child’s education
They make a valuable contribution to their child’s education (supporting their child with homework), and encouraging and extending an interest in learning at home
They feel their views are listened to and acted upon, where appropriate, and therefore have influence in what happens in school
They are kept up to date with their child’s progress and know how they can help at home
They have opportunities to continue/extend their own learning
They are comfortable in approaching school staff, they trust and respect the staff
They are supportive of the school, staff and policies, and have a positive attitude towards the school which they communicate to their children
They are fully involved in the life of the school
Our vision for our Governors
Governors are passionate about our school. They are actively involved in school life and committed to moving the school forward, working together for the children’s development and progress. They are welcomed in school and kept informed
They are actively involved in the decision making and long term planning of the school
They support and challenge the leadership team and school staff to improve outcomes for children and raise standards
They keep up to date with current educational initiatives and school priorities
They are known by staff, children and parents and make a valuable contribution to school life
They genuinely care about the school, staff, children and community
Our vision for our community
The school is at the heart of the community in a two-way exchange of ideas, skills and purpose. The school serves the diverse needs of the children, parents and local community and is a source of pride for all
The community has a positive image of the school through our strong links, co-operation and collaboration
The school provides a service to the community, meeting the needs of individuals and groups
The school plays a part in building a strong vibrant community helping to improve children’s life chances and giving them the best start in life
The school utilises the skills and expertise of community members to make learning real and exciting