Falla Park Community Primary School

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Religious Education


We aim to provide a well-structured, broad, and balanced program that promotes children’s understanding and appreciation of different religions and world views.  The RE curriculum is designed to inspire children to explore, engage and reflect on their own beliefs and values, whilst developing understanding, respect and tolerance for others.  We aim to foster children's spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, enabling them to become responsible citizens in an increasingly diverse society.


The RE curriculum provides a well-structured and coherent approach which challenges them so they can develop a deep understanding of various religions, beliefs, and values.  At Falla Park we use Discovery RE which supports us in delivering the Gateshead Agreed Syllabus for RE.  The following religions have been selected for study across the school:

  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism

Our RE curriculum also focuses on the development of key skills, such as critical thinking, questioning, empathy, and reflection.  Children are encouraged to engage in dialogue, engage with primary and secondary sources, and critically analyse religious texts, artifacts, and rituals.  Opportunities are provided to allow children to develop research skills, effectively communicate their ideas, and engage in respectful debate.  Our RE curriculum is delivered through a variety of engaging and interactive teaching and learning approaches including:

  • Whole-class discussions: Encouraging children to express their thoughts and opinions on religious and philosophical topics in a respectful and inclusive manner
  • Visits to places of worship: Organising trips to local religious places of worship to provide children with firsthand experiences of different religious practices and traditions
  • Guest speakers: Inviting members of different religious communities and belief systems to share their experiences and answer children's questions
  • Use of multimedia resources: Utilising a wide range of resources such as videos, interactive websites, and documentaries to support children's learning and engagement
  • Independent research and presentations: Assigning projects and presentations that allow children to explore specific religious or philosophical topics in depth and present their findings to the class


Through RE our children develop an in depth understanding about the diverse beliefs they have studied over their time at Primary School.  Children demonstrate respect, empathy, and tolerance towards diverse perspectives and they have an appreciation for the role of religion in society.  The impact extends beyond RE lessons and can be seen in the positive relationships and the sense of community cohesion and belonging within the school.  Children also demonstrate a growing awareness and understanding of ethical issues, social justice and the importance of respect for others and contribute positively to their local and global communities.

RE Curriculum Overview