Falla Park Community Primary School

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At Falla Park Community Primary School, our aim is that our Geography curriculum will foster a deep understanding and appreciation of the world around us. We want to develop children’s curiosity about diverse places, people, resources, and natural environments. We aim to inspire a sense of responsibility and global citizenship, preparing our children for an interconnected and ever-changing world.  Our children will be challenged to think critically, to be actively involved in their learning and ultimately to develop a love of geography and believe that they can succeed in the subject.


Teaching of Geography in the Early Years

Within the Early Years, activities and experiences for pupils are based on the seven areas of learning and development.  These areas are:

  • Personal, social and emotional development (prime area)
  • Communication and language (prime area)
  • Physical development (prime area)
  • Literacy (specific area)
  • Maths (specific area)
  • Understanding the world (specific area)
  • Expressive arts and design (specific area)

In Early Years, Geography focuses on developing children’s understanding of the world and their place in it.  Intrinsic to this is the development of children’s communication, social and emotional skills.  The children learn through a range of experiences designed to support them to begin to understand their place in the world.  Their experiences begin with the exploration of their immediate natural environment, using their senses and understanding the need to respect where we are.  Our weekly ventures into our forest school area help to nurture this and foster a curiosity.  The children begin to understand that there are different countries in the world and talk about the differences they have either seen in photographs or in real life.  We love to celebrate our diversity and learn about the places our friends come from.  The children have opportunities to explore maps, globes, atlases, brochures and photographs and are guided by supportive adults to comment and question.  The children also begin to create simple maps and use positional and direction language.

Teaching of Geography in Key Stage 1 and 2

From Year 1 to Year 6 children study structured units covering diverse geographical topics, such as physical landscapes, human geography, environmental issues, and global connections.  Children have opportunities to study their local area in all year groups to ensure that there is not only a progression of skills but also a deepening and widening of knowledge.  Teachers in all year groups use varied teaching approaches, including interactive discussions, field trips and multimedia resources, catering to different learning styles.  Children develop their geographical skills and knowledge through the use of digital tools and online resources including Digimap and Oddizzi, which allow virtual field trips and interactive resources to bring the world into the classroom.  Where possible teachers collaborate with other subjects to reinforce connections between geography and topics like science, history, and mathematics. Ongoing teacher assessment and subject leader pupil voice collections ensure all children are developing geographical knowledge and skills.  Teachers use summative assessment by assessing skills and knowledge at the end of a unit of work, identifying pupils who need extra support and the next opportunities for this teaching to happen.


Children will leave Falla Park with a comprehensive understanding of diverse geographical topics and are able to recall geographical facts.  Children will have acquired maps skills and be able to collect and interpret data.  Perhaps, most importantly, our children will have developed a positive attitude towards the environment and begin to foster a sense of responsibility and empathy towards global issues.  They will feel prepared for an increasingly interconnected world, where geographical knowledge and skills are essential for informed decision-making.

By implementing this intent, Falla Park Community Primary School aims to instil a lifelong love for geography, nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped to navigate and contribute to our global society.

Geography Curriculum Overview