Falla Park Community Primary School

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Design Technology


At Falla Park, we intend to provide children (from Early Years to Year 6) with many opportunities to design, make and evaluate a variety of products.  We want to develop young children’s skills and knowledge in design, structures, mechanisms, electrical control and a range of materials, including food.  We want children to be creative and to think about important issues.  We aim to teach a creative and engaging curriculum.  We want to support the children to have the important skills they may need to be successful in later life.  We follow ‘Skills Builder’ and through DT want the children to develop skills in Problem Solving, Listening, Speaking, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork.


Design Technology is taught and developed from Early Years to Year 6.  The National Curriculum is implemented using the ‘Projects on a Page’ scheme of work (DATA) to ensure coverage, progression and that learning continuously builds on previous knowledge.  Long term and medium term planning is flexible to support staff to link to other subject areas if or when necessary and appropriate.  The scheme supports the staff to take ownership of the projects they are undertaking and can be adapted to develop the interests of the children in the class or a particular ‘real life’ design need.

Teachers plan activities in three main stages:

  • Investigative and evaluative activities
  • Focused tasks, design
  • Make and evaluate assignment

All activities are inclusive and children are supported at their own level and with individual needs when necessary.  SEND children are supported with individual needs.

Work is recorded in Design Technology books and the children are provided with progressive design sheets for their products and activities.  Children are taught how to keep themselves and others safe during Design Technology activities. CLEAPS support sheets are used to make sure safety is of high importance.

In Early Years, skills and activities are developed through the environment and resources on offer with support from skilful staff – developing children’s problem-solving skills as well as early language.  Forest school activities include tool work and cookery.  Children are taught how to keep safe.


Falla Park’s approach to Design Technology ensures that children develop creative, technical and practical expertise that is appropriate to their year group.  They can think critically about products, demographics, product purposes and sectors and use this knowledge to inform their choices in designing.  They make links to other areas of learning and subjects (Maths, Science, Computing).  They also make links to the wider world around them. The children are problem solvers, developing their own creativity.

Children are enthusiastic about their DT lessons and enjoy creating products that are relevant to them and their lives.  They show initiative when carrying out research and work productively with others and independently. They talk about their work and learning well and especially like the practical activities they have developed.  In Pupil voice interviews, the children are keen to share their ideas.  Children talk about what they like, what they find difficult and use appropriate vocabulary.

Through DT children are able to assess risks; they become responsible designers and makers and learn how to use tools, equipment and materials safely, hygienically and carefully.  CLEAPS is used to support the health and safety aspects of Design Technology.

Children become analytical, reflective and evaluative by referring to their design brief when assessing the effectiveness of their design.

Design Technology Curriculum Overview